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Old Town Kitchen Co. are a small handmade kitchen making company, based in Hastings, UK.
Craftsmanship, quality and attention to detail are at the heart of all our beautiful handmade and painted kitchens. We have 40+ years of experience between us in cabinet making, joinery and furniture design. We combine the timeless and understated Shaker style with a contemporary twist in our kitchens, making them sit seamlessly in any style or age of house.
From design to installation you deal with us directly, the makers, rather than a sales team in a showroom. This enables us to offer you affordable luxury that is normally associated with larger and more well known high-end kitchen brands.
No two of our kitchens are the same - they are as individual as you are, with every detail having been designed and tailored to your needs, personal taste and living space, using materials and hardware that work for you.
How our kitchens work is as important to us as how they look. We apply the same level of craftsmanship and detail to the parts of our kitchens that you cannot see as to those that you do.

Old Town Kitchen Co. Ltd.
Theaklen House
Theaklen Drive
St. Leonards
East Sussex
TN38 9AZ
VAT registration number: 347428972